Perl – Fork and Kill a System Process on Timeout [perl] $pid = open(PIPE, “$command |”) or die $!; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die “TIMEOUT” }; alarm($timeout); while (<PIPE>) { $data = $_; }; close(PIPE); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { die $@ unless $@ =~ /TIMEOUT/; kill 15, $pid; close(PIPE); $? ||= […]
Removing the AVG secure search bar This annoying install is a bit of a bugger and doesnt allow you to strictly change your home page back to normal. What you need to do is go to Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs and select ‘AVG Secure Search ToolBar’ In the next pop up, select […]
Restrict Media Wiki Access To prevent new user registrations add the following to LocalSettings.php # This snippet prevents new registrations from anonymous users # (Sysops can still create user accounts) $wgGroupPermissions[‘*’][‘createaccount’] = false; To prevent anonymous users reading pages add the following to LocalSettings.php #Disable reading line, for anonymous (not-logged-in => * ) : $wgGroupPermissions[‘*’][‘read’] […]
Amazon AMI – ‘ launch config name not found’ If you are receiving this: as-create-auto-scaling-group: Service error: Launch configuration name not found – null Ensure you have set the region!! This was missing out of many of the docs I have read and appears that it only affects EU nodes. For example; as-create-auto-scaling-group xxscale […]
Amazon – Ubuntu CPAN Perl Install If you experiencing any issues with installing, upgrading or managing CPAN perl libraries on a refreshley deployed Amazon EC2 instance make sure you have your build essentials!! Run: sudo apt-get install build-essential
For error such as: Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TC): At line 10 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-DLMOD-MIB Cannot find module (SNMPv2-SMI): At line 34 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TC): At line 37 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB Did not find ‘enterprises’ in module […]
Bugging me for ages!! Make sure you disable the ‘Bluetooth’ addon within Visio. It isnt a stable plugin and causes intermittent restarts of Visio (Well it was for me anyway)
LightStreamer – | IllegalStateException |Please specify at least one cell|] Ensure that the div data sources are declared before the script to populate is executed.
Ubuntu Static IP tips with VM Ensure your DNS settings are configured to that of your service provider otherwise you will not obtain internet connectivity. Check your VM NAT network settings – the gateway is default as not .1
Installing APE on Ubuntu Server 10.10 This small tutorial was made based on the ape-project install documentation. It summarizes things to help people get APE running on Ubunto ASAP. This small tutorial was made based on the ape-project install documentation. It summarizes things to help people get APE running on Ubunto ASAP. Hope it […]