In cloud computing, the importance of security cannot be overemphasized. Security threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, and cloud computing is no less at risk than an on-premise environment.

With benefits including rapid deployment, flexibility, low up-front costs, and scalability, cloud computing has virtually become universal among organizations of all sizes, often as part of hybrid/multi cloud infrastructure architecture. With more businesses making transitions to the cloud, robust cloud security is imperative.

What is Cloud Security?

Cloud computing security or cloud security refers to, technologies, applications, set of policies and controls utilized to protect virtualized IP, data, applications, services, and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing from threat.

Cloud security is a part of cyber security that is excluded to securing cloud computing systems. Securing these systems involves both the efforts of the cloud providers and the clients that use them.

Cloud security is designed to protect the following:

  • Physical networks
  • Data storage
  • Data servers
  • Data
  • Applications
  • End-user hardware
  • Computer virtualization frameworks
  • Operating systems (OS)
  • Middleware
  • Runtime environments

Best Practices in Cloud Security

Cloud security mechanisms take two forms including those supplied by cloud service providers (CSPs) and those implemented by customers. It is important to note that handling of security is usually a joint effort and rarely the complete responsibility of the CSP or the customer.

There are a lot that one can do to protect data in the cloud. Some of the popular methods include:

  1. Encryption: this is one of the best ways to secure cloud computing systems. There are several ways to use this including communications encryption – with the cloud in their entirety, particularly sensitive data encryption – such as account credentials as well as End-to-end encryption of all data that is uploaded to the cloud. Encryption can be provided by cloud providers or by a separate cloud security solutions provider.
  2. Configuration: this is another practice in cloud security. Many cloud data breaches come from basic vulnerabilities such as misconfiguration. To avoid these errors is always advisable to never leave default settings unchanged, cloud storage bucket open as well as always making use of security controls provided by security vendors.

It is noteworthy to follow the basic cyber security tips below:

  • Use strong passwords.
  • Use a password manager.
  • Protect all devices use in accessing cloud data, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Back up your data regularly
  • Modify permissions
  • Use anti-virus and anti-malware software.
  • Avoid accessing your data on public Wi-Fi

Reasons for Cloud Security

Cloud security offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Protection against attacks
  • Data security
  • Improved availability
  • Increased reliability
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Centralized security
  • Reduced costs
  • Reduced Administration


No organization or CSP can completely eliminate all security threats and its vulnerabilities. Therefore, business leaders must find a way to balance the benefits of adopting cloud services with the level of data security risk their organizations are willing to take.