Debugging PHP – Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end If you have are using the short form <? for PHP instead of the long form <?php you might be faced with this parse error when running your script on different systems: Update all references to the long version <?php Ensure that all linked files also […]
Linux Hostname via Windows with a local VM I’d much rather just reference the Linux machine using its hostname. This does not work initially, since Windows uses NetBIOS for its name service rather than TCP/IP host names. An easy way to get in on the NetBIOS action is to install Samba. While that may be […]
Can I make ubuntu copy to the clipboard selected text and paste on right click? Anything you highlight in Linux, regardless of the program, is put into a special clipboard buffer, which you can paste using your mouse’s middle (wheel) button (which is emulated on many laptops by pushing both buttons at the same time)
Miiduu Online Shop WHy use….. Do it yourself with Open Cart: The real free solutionj.
Astute Finance PPI Do not use Astute Finance… I used them to reclaim PPI and I ended up having to do all the leg work myself. Waste of time. 10 emails to went unanswered. They are a shambles of a company.
iMovie – Transition Timing Issue So if you are having problems adjusting a transition within iMovie. Ensure you adjust the clip either side of the transition. These timings must be long enough for the transition to take place.
‘sun-java6-jre’ has no installation candidate [bash] sudo add-apt-repository “deb lucid partner” [/bash] [bash] sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk [/bash]
Where is the Hash key on the MAC? Always an annoying one…. try : option(alt)+3.
2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server – MAC To fix In /etc/php.ini, replaced the three occurences of /var/mysql/mysql.sock with /tmp/mysql.sock prompt% sudo chmod u+w php.ini <- had to give myself write permission to that file.. you may need to become root user to actually edit the file.. depends who owns php.ini Now edit […]
see the example below: [vb] Sub PTTest() Dim SH As Worksheet ‘ the current worksheet from the colection of workbooks Dim PT As PivotTable ‘ the current pivot table from the current worksheet Dim PTC As Range ‘ the cell range of the current pivot table Dim Tmp AsString’ the buffer for concatenated cell values […]