use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::SSH2;
use Data::Dumper;
# see maillist archives at
# http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ssh-sftp-perl-users
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh2->connect(‘localhost’) or die “Unable to connect Host $@ \n”;
#this works for passwords
#$ssh2->auth_password(‘z’,’ztester’) or die “Unable to login $@ \n”;
#do key authorization like commandline shell
# ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey localhost
# See: http://cfm.gs.washington.edu/security/ssh/client-pkauth/
# for setting up the keys
# this dosn’t work
#$ssh2->auth(username=>’z’, interact => 1);
# so get the password for the key
use Term::ReadKey;
print “And your key password: “;
chomp(my $pass = ReadLine(0));
print “\n”;
# works when run from z’s homedir because you need
# permission to read the keys
$pass );
my $sftp = $ssh2->sftp();
my $fh = $sftp->open(‘/etc/passwd’) or die;
print $_ while <$fh>;
#my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
#$chan->exec(‘ls -la’);
#while (<$chan>){ print }
# to run a remote command in the background
# you need to semi-daemonize it by redirecting it’s filehandles
my $chan3 = $ssh2->channel();
$chan3->exec(“nohup /home/zentara/perlplay/net/zzsleep > foo.out 2> fo
+o.err < /dev/null &”); $chan3->send_eof;
#to run multiple commands use a shell
#shell use
my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
print $chan “ls -la\n”;
print “LINE : $_” while <$chan>;
print $chan “who\n”;
print “LINE : $_” while <$chan>;
print $chan “date\n”;
print “LINE : $_” while <$chan>;
# file and directory operations
#will get dir named 2
#my $chan1 = $ssh2->channel();
#$chan1->exec(‘ls -la 2’);
#while (<$chan1>){ print }
# mkdir with sftp
#my $sftp = $ssh2->sftp();
my $dir = ‘/home/z/3’;
my %stat = $sftp->stat($dir);
print Dumper([\%stat]), “\n”;
#put a file
my $remote = “$dir/”.time;
$ssh2->scp_put($0, $remote);
#get a file
#use IO::Scalar;
#my $check = IO::Scalar->new;
#$ssh2->scp_get($remote, $check);
#print “$check\n\n”;
# get a dirlist
my $dir1 = ‘/home/z’;
my $dh = $sftp->opendir($dir1);
while(my $item = $dh->read) {
print $item->{‘name’},”\n”;
#shell use
my $chan2 = $ssh2->channel();
print $chan2 “uname -a\n”;
print “LINE : $_” while <$chan2>;
print $chan2 “who\n”;
print “LINE : $_” while <$chan2>;