SQL Dump

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Extract Table from SQL Dump – MYSQL

Extract Table from SQL Dump – MYSQL The script below creates individual table exports from a SQL dump. ./MyDumpSplitter.sh yourfile.sql your_table_name [code] #!/bin/sh # http://kedar.nitty-witty.com #SPLIT DUMP FILE INTO INDIVIDUAL TABLE DUMPS # Text color variables txtund=$(tput sgr 0 1)    # Underline txtbld=$(tput bold)       # Bold txtred=$(tput setaf 1)    # Red txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2)    # […]
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Extract CREATES from SQL dump

Extract CREATES from SQL dump If you are trying to extract the create routines from a SQL dump, this might help you! Basically it picks out the contents between “CREATE” and “\;” You can modify these two variables as need be..   [bash] cat dump.sql |awk ‘/CREATE/,/\;/ { print $0 ; }’ > create.sql   […]
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