Hold down the ALT key and type the numbers next to the character you need. German / deutsch Portuguese / português ä 132 Ä 142 à 133 À 0192 ö 148 Ö 153 á 0225 Á 0193 ü 129 Ü 154 â 131 Â 0194 ß 0223 ã 0227 Ã 0195 € […]
Hold down the ALT key and type the numbers next to the character you need. German / deutsch Portuguese / português ä 132 Ä 142 à 133 À 0192 ö 148 Ö 153 á 0225 Á 0193 ü 129 Ü 154 â 131 Â 0194 ß 0223 ã 0227 Ã 0195 € […]