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Pass Parameters to Perl Script

Perl command line arguments stored in the special array called @ARGV.

ARGV example

Use $ARGV[n] to display argument.

Use $#ARGV to get total number of passed argument to a perl script.

For example, if your scriptname is and you called script as follows:

./ one two three

You can print one, two, three command line arguments with print command:
print “$ARGV[$0]\n”;
print “$ARGV[$1]\n”;
print “$ARGV[$2]\n”;

Or just use a loop to display all command line args:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
if ($#ARGV != 2 ) {
print “usage: mycal number1 op number2\neg: mycal 5 + 3 OR mycal 5 – 2\n”;
if ( $op eq “+” ) {
$ans = $n1 + $n2;
elsif ( $op eq “-“){
$ans = $n1 – $n2;
elsif ( $op eq “/”){
$ans = $n1 / $n2;
elsif ( $op eq “*”){
$ans = $n1 * $n2;
else {
print “Error: op must be +, -, *, / only\n”;
print “$ans\n”;

Save and run script as follows:

$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ ./ 5 + 3
$ ./ 5 \* 3

Note: * need to be escaped under UNIX shell.


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