Windows Setup

  1. Download the Windows Raspberry Pi Compute Module Boot Loader:
  2. Install the RPI Boot Setup file
  3. With the board powered off, ensure the USB Boot jumper link is enabled. 

  4. Attach the Desktops USB to the ‘Micro USB Slave’ port
  5. Attach the micro USB power supply to ‘Power In’ to power up the board
The board will now power up and boot!

Initialise the Compute Board

6. Right click RPi Boot and ‘Run as an Administrator’

7. If you do not see this screen and the board initialise, remove and re-attach the power supply, rebooting the board.

8. If succesfull – you will see this popup – Click CANCEL

Create the Compute Image

9. Download Win32Disk Imager from source forge:


10. Run Win32DiskImager as an administrator 11. Specify a destination file name; C:/newimage.img 12. Select the correct device. This will be the device you can see in your ‘This PC’ that will ask you to format if you select it. (Always click Cancel) 12. Click Read to create your image. This image can now be applied to a Pi Compute Module as mentioned here: