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Pass Parameters to Perl Script

Pass Parameters to Perl Script Perl command line arguments stored in the special array called @ARGV. ARGV example Use $ARGV[n] to display argument. Use $#ARGV to get total number of passed argument to a perl script. For example, if your scriptname is and you called script as follows: ./ one two three You can […]
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Perl Split

Perl Split A very useful function in Perl is split, which splits up a string and places it into an array. The function uses a regular expression and as usual works on the $_ variable unless otherwise specified. The split function is used like this: [perl] $info = “Caine:Michael:Actor:14, Leafy Drive”; @personal = split(/:/, $info); […]
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Perl Hashes – HowTo

Perl Hash Howto This how-to comes with no guaratees other than the fact that these code segments were copy/pasted from code that I wrote and ran successfully. Initialize (clear, or empty) a hash Assigning an empty list is the fastest method. Solution my %hash = (); Initialize (clear, or empty) a hash reference People have […]
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CPAN – Perl Command Line

CPAN – Perl Command Line There are several ways to get Perl modules from CPAN installed on your unix-based system. Keep in mind that there is always more than one way to do it with Perl, and this is no different. Before embarking upon any installation, it’s a good idea to download the module, unzip […]
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Perl – Execute Command With Timeout

Perl – Execute Command With Timeout [perl] my $command_to_check = “$SSH_CON $host $SSH_CMD”; if (! execute_command($command_to_check)) { next; } sub execute_command($) { ### Executes a command with timeout ### Returns 0 if fails ### Returns 1 on success my $command=shift; my $timeout=30; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub{die;}; my($oalarm) = alarm($timeout); $result=`$command 2>&1`; if ($? […]
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