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RedHat vs Ubuntu – Useful Package Commands

RedHat vs Ubuntu – Useful Package Commands Task Red Hat/Fedora Ubuntu Refresh list of available packages Yum refreshes each time it’s used apt-get update Install a package from a repository yum install package_name apt-get install package_name Install a package file yum install package.rpm rpm -i package.rpm dpkg –install package.deb Remove a package rpm -e package_name […]
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Add a timestamp to every STDOUT line

Add a timestamp to every STDOUT line I found this useful for debugging and just handy to have in the toolbox. Alias within your profile! Use: ./anyscript_you_choose | ./addtime [perl] #!/bin/perl -w # filename: ./addtime my($old)=select(STDOUT); $|=1; select(STDIN); $|=1; select ($old); while(<>) { my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst)= localtime (time); printf “%02d:%02d:%4d %02d:%02d:%02d %s”,$mday,$mon+1,$year+1900,$hour,$min,$sec,$_; } [/perl]
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Perl – Get the md5 hash for a file

Perl – Get the md5 hash for a file Get the MD5 hash for a file on the command line, using Digest::MD5 usage: ./ [filename] [-f] -f do not display filename [perl] use warnings; use strict; use Digest::MD5; sub md5sum { my $file = shift; my $digest = “”; eval{ open(FILE, $file) or die “Can’t […]
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