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Linux Foundation New Free Kubernetes on Edge Training

The Linux Foundation (LF) and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), have today announced the availability of a new free online training course in Kubernetes on Edge with K3s (LFS156x).

As announced at the at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe virtual conference, the free course – Introduction to Kubernetes on Edge with K3s (LFS156x) is made available on, the online learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT. The training is expected to give participants significant knowledge on the use cases and applications of Kubernetes at the edge using examples, labs, and a technical overview of the K3s project as well as the cloud native edge ecosystem.

“K3s fills a very specific need and helps lower the barrier to entry for development and operation teams. I’ve seen the project grow from Darren’s initial post on Hacker News, to a GA, production-ready Kubernetes distribution housed within CNCF. I’m excited to share this course with the community and customers alike, and am looking forward to seeing increased use of Kubernetes at the edge,” said Alex Ellis, Founder of Inlets and OpenFaaS, CNCF Ambassador. He is also the developer of the free course LFS156x as well as the author of the existing Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes (LFS157x) course.

Designed primarily for developers who need to learn about the growing impact the cloud native movement is having on modernizing edge deployments, this 15 hour course is planned to help participants learn the use cases for running compute in edge locations and about various supporting projects and foundations such as LF Edge and CNCF.

As stipulated on the course webpage, the training covers how to deploy applications to the edge with open source tools such as K3s and k3sup, and how those tools can be applied to low-power hardware such as the Raspberry Pi. Participants will further learn the challenges associated with edge compute, such as partial availability and the need for remote access. Through practical examples, the Linux Foundation and CNCF expect participants or students to gain experience of deploying applications to Kubernetes and get hands-on with object storage, MQTT, and OpenFaaS through this course.

The new course also introduces the fleet management and GitOps models of deployment, and helps the participant or student understand messaging, and how to interface with sensors and real hardware.

The Introduction to Kubernetes on Edge with K3s is available to begin immediately and auditing the course through edX is free for 10 weeks, however, participants can opt for a paid verified certificate of completion.


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