For error such as:

Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TC): At line 10 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-DLMOD-MIB
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-SMI): At line 34 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TC): At line 37 in /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB
Did not find ‘enterprises’ in module #-1 (/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB)
Did not find ‘DisplayString’ in module #-1 (/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB)
Did not find ‘TruthValue’ in module #-1 (/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB)
Unlinked OID in UCD-SNMP-MIB: ucdavis ::= { enterprises 2021 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 39 of /usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-SNMP-MIB
Did not find ‘DisplayString’ in module #-1 (/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-DLMOD-MIB)
Did not find ‘ucdExperimental’ in module UCD-SNMP-MIB (/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/UCD-DLMOD-MIB)
Unlinked OID in UCD-DLMOD-MIB: ucdDlmodMIB ::= { ucdExperimental 14 }


Debian missing MIBs for SNMP

One thing that can sure spam up your e-mail and log files fast is when snmpd is trying to call MIB files that simply don’t exist.  I ran into this problem and after digging around on the internet I still had the problem.  The good news is that I believe I have resolved the problem at this point so I thought I would share.

First, this post assumes that you already have a working knowledge of Debian and the following packages installed.  If you dont, this should be your first step:


apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader

Please note that the second, snmp-mibs-downloader is not free so in order to install it you need to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list to include non-free packages


Then run download-mibs